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Since 01.04.2024 the time has finally come - PrEP is finally free of charge in Austria!

Unlike what you are used to from the public health insurances, you first have to pay privately for the PrEP medication and the consultation and will then be reimbursed by your health insurance. This requires a corresponding application to the insurance company.

Unfortunately, the KfA does not currently contribute to the reimbursement of costs. KfA-insured persons must therefore continue to bear all costs themselves.

The costs for the necessary check-ups are settled directly by the laboratory with the health insurance companies – so at least here you don’t have to pay in advance.

How does it work?

Submit invoices either online with „Handysignatur" or by post (in which case a copy of the eCard must also be sent).


Simply submit online at:





What will be reimbursed?


– €25 for the consultation / check-up once per quarter

– up to €60 per pack of medication per month

– up to 3 packs per quarter

– either 3 packs on one invoice or 3 individual invoices

Overview of costs:

– PrEP consultation: €25 once per quarter (100% reimbursed)

– PrEP medication: max. €60 per package (30 units) (100% reimbursed, max. €56 for 28 units)


– Basic service (if your not our regular patient): € 75,- 1x per quarter (additionally – only for people who are not our patients and therefore visit us privately – no reimbursement (!), includes PrEP care and any necessary STD treatments)

You can become our patient at any time to avoid the additional cost of €75. The prerequisite for this is that you have not yet been to another GP in the current quarter.