Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
Post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP for short, is an attempt to reduce the risk of HIV infection as much as possible following contact with (potentially) infectious material.
In the past, PEP was mainly used in the medical field after e.g. needlestick injuries. However, post-exposure prophylaxis can be used in certain cases, e.g. after high-risk contact with an HIV-positive person.
In principle, PEP is nothing more than taking a normal HIV therapy (antiretroviral therapy – ART) over a total period of 4 weeks.
It should always be taken as soon as possible after the risk contact, but at the latest after 48 hours.
A quick option here is to take the HIV-positive partner’s medication immediately after the incident and to contact us or an HIV outpatient clinic without delay.
The affected parts of the body (mouth, external genitalia, eyes) should always be cleaned immediately with water or a disinfectant that is compatible with mucous membranes (e.g. Octenisept, Betaisodona solution).
But be careful – body cavities (vagina, rectum) must not be rinsed. This would only flush the infectious material further into the body.
Post-exposure prophylaxis is an attempt to reduce the risk of HIV infection, but cannot reduce it to zero with certainty and is therefore not an alternative to safer sex!
HIV PEP should be started as soon as possible. After 48 hours at the latest. The earlier it is started, the greater the chance of preventing infection. However, even early initiation of PEP does not offer 100% certainty!
If the worst comes to the worst, come directly to the practice during our opening hours – you do not need an appointment in this exceptional case!
Outside of our opening hours, please contact one of the HIV outpatient clinics immediately:
HIV ward of the AKH (4 Süd): 0043-1-404004240
HIV ward at the Penzing Clinic: 0043-1-9106042710